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關於“自由光城”About Free Guangcheng

惦念你們全家You are not forgotten

2010 年9月9日,盲人赤腳維權律師陳光誠服刑滿4年3個月,被監獄直接送回家。全家也於當日被嚴密軟禁,看守者高達幾十人。地方當局隨後在東鄰及西鄰安裝手機 屏蔽儀,9月23日後手機電話完全無法接通。 2010年11月11日,陳光誠愛人袁偉靜10月27日向朋友發出的求助信息才抵達。

目前光誠依舊腹瀉,便血6次,無法就醫。陳光誠夫婦無法邁出家門,5歲的女兒失學在家,全家依靠78歲的母親在看守者跟踪下外出獲取食物。而地方警察和看守暴徒隨時可闖進陳光誠家,對陳光誠發出生命威脅。 9月20日地方警察和暴徒進入陳光誠家6小時之久。



1. 通過網絡速遞一支鮮花,帶去問候;

2. 通過網絡速遞一個小玩具、一本兒童繪本,送給光誠也被軟禁的5歲小女兒克斯,帶去溫情;

3. 郵寄一張美麗的明信片,向光城全家及看守者問好;

4. 郵寄一張邀請卡,邀請光誠全家到你所在的城市遊玩;

5. 聖誕節、元旦、春節、元宵節……郵寄一張節日卡給陳光誠及看守者;

6. 採訪一位有公共影響力的人(學者、官員、影視明星、活躍分子……),訪問其對陳光誠現狀的看法,將錄音、照片、視頻等資料發送給我們。


無論你做的是哪一項,請不要忘了拍一張照片或做一份截圖,發到guangchengweijing@gmail.com ,我們將全部資料上傳於營救陳光誠的網站(網址:www.chenguangcheng.com )。推特:www.twitter.com/freeguangcheng



l 光誠,我們沒有忘記你,你在黑暗中給我們帶來光明!

l 光誠,請堅持,請等待,我們一直為你們全家的自由努力!

l 抗議非法拘禁,釋放陳光誠及全家!

l 愛陳光誠!愛袁偉靜!愛陳克斯!

l ……






You are not forgotten

As of September 9, 2010, blind self-taught rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng had served in full his sentence of 4 years 3 months and was transported from the prison directly to his home in Shandong province; Chen and his family were placed under strict house arrest and remain under constant guard by several dozen people. Following this, local authorities installed cell phone jamming equipment in the houses on either side of Chen’s home, leaving the family unreachable by telephone since September 23. A text message sent on October 27 by Chen’s wife, Yuan Weijing, seeking help from a family friend, only arrived on November 11.

Upon his release, Chen Guangcheng was found to be suffering from diarrhea; since having worsened to the point that he has now passed blood on at least six occasions, authorities continue to refuse to allow Chen to seek medical treatment. The couple are barred from even stepping outside the door of their home, their 5-year-old daughter continues to miss school, and the entire family is left to depend on Chen’s 78-year-old mother who is only allowed out to buy groceries under constant physical surveillance. At the same time, local police and thugs stationed outside the Chen family home who continue to storm into Chen Guangcheng’s home at will and without any prior warning, have made threats against Chen’s life. On September 20, for example, police and hired thugs rushed into Chen’s home, only choosing to leave six hours later.

Local officials once let slip that the current costs of ‘maintaining stability’ outside the Chen home have already amounted to more than 7.5 million USD, using this figure to justify the need for continued house arrest, and even to threaten to take Chen back to prison. In an attempt to isolate Chen and his family, and to cut them off from outside assistance, agents have even gone so far to spread rumors and horrific lies about the family throughout the village.

In the face of such senseless and barbaric behavior, what can we, as ordinary citizens, do to make a difference?

1. Purchase flowers online to be delivered by courier, along with your message for the family;

2. Purchase toys or children’s books online to be delivered by courier to Chen’s 5-year-old daughter, along with a greeting;

3. Mail artwork on a postcard to the Chen family and their captors;

4. Mail a greeting card, invite Chen Guangcheng and his family to come visit you in your city;

5. To mark holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve or Spring Festival, mail a holiday card to the Chen family and their captors;

6. Find opportunities to ask politicians, academics or other prominent individuals to inquire into Chen and his family’s situation, to visit them if possible, or even provide some audio, video or a photograph which we would then display on the Free Guangcheng website.

Regardless of which option best suits you, please do not forget to take a photograph or photocopy your contribution, and send it to <guangchengweijing@gmail.com>, as we will display all incoming efforts to the [Free Chen Guangcheng] website: http://www.chenguangcheng.com/.Twitter: www.twitter.com/freeguangcheng


Ideas include:

•”Guangcheng, you have not been forgotten. As long as you remain in the dark, we will continue to bring you light!”

•”Guangcheng, stay strong and hopeful. We have never stopped fighting for you and your family’s freedom!”

•”Stop illegal house arrest, Release Chen Guangcheng and his family!”

•”Chen Guangcheng, Yuan Weijing, Chen Kesi: We love and pray for you!”

It’s true, as some worry, that your cards and flowers may only end up in the hands of the Chen family’s captors, so please refrain from including any disparaging remarks. Hate only begets greater hate, and over time, as we leave Chen’s captors buried beneath an outpour of flowers and support, there might come a day when these men begin to see their work in a different light, and maybe, even if just a little, things will slowly get better for this family locked away under house arrest: Chen Guangcheng and his wife Yuan Weijing, their 5-year-old daughter, and Chen’s 78-year-old mother.

Mail address: Chen Guangcheng, Dongshigu Village, Shuanghou Town, Yinan County, Linyi City, Shangdong Province 276312, PRC. China

Here in this interview of NYU Law Professor Jerome Cohen who discusses Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDdI8jS_uME